Rules 2024 Ultr’Ardèche

Ultr’Ardèche Rules

Article 1: Presentation

The association « Ultr’Ardèche » organizes a long distance race at free speed (walking or running) called « Ultr’Ardèche ». 222 kilometers for 3500 meters of positive altitude difference in less than 37 hours. 9 time barriers are in place (at km 41, 66, 85, 108, 132, 158, 179, 200 and 222).

The Ultr’Ardèche is qualifying for the Spartathlon 2025.

Direct qualification for less than 27 hours for men and less than 28 hours for women

Lottery for less than 36 hours for men and 37 hours for women

The departure will be from Vernoux at 06h00 on Saturday 18th may 2024. The finish time is set at 19h00 on Sunday 19th, that is 37 hours maxi to complete the course. The overall minimum average over the event is 6 km/h (see article 5: Time barriers)

The race brings together long distance runners who have a significative experience in ultramarathon and ulra long distance. It is necessary to be able to register to justify his participation and his quality as a finisher in similar events (Spartathlon, Nove Colli, Sakura Michi, Transe Gaule, Mil Kil, Balaton, Mi Mil Kil, Grand Raid de la Réunion, Ultra Marin, Olympienne, Euchidios, Dolihos Ultra race, 100 Miles de France, 24h (> 130 km), 48h (> 220 km), 100km (<16 h) , …). The organization reserves the right to refuse a commitment if:

– the runner experience is inadequate to run the Ultr’Ardeche,

– the runner is not welcomed.

These refusals are without appeal.

Gentleman behaviour towards other competitors, volunteers, the organization and the environment is highly recommended. Only adults can compete.

Article 2 : Liability

Competitors undertake at their own risk and peril under their own and sole responsibility. Each competitor must be aware of the risks involved.

Therefore, in the event of a health or traffic accident on the course, no recourse may be taken, neither by the competitor, nor by his successors in title against the organiser, or the organising association, natural or legal person.

Completing and signing the registration form implies acceptance of these rules.

Many safety instructions are noted on the road book, it is recommended to read them well before the day of the race. The runner’s progress will be made primarily on the pavements in the villages, on the back alleys, the aisles available on the roads. High visibility clothing is recommended. On the road book, the side of the road to be used by the rider is specified in places.

Competitors must not forget that they are venturing into one of the few departments where reality TV does not exist, one of the last bastions of the » authentic ». previous editions have demonstrated this


Article 3 : Registration

The registration will be effective upon receipt of the signed commitment form attesting acceptance of the payment and the amount of the commitment set at 205 € before the 31th january, 210€ before 28th February, 215 after 1st March.

Included in the registration fee :
– participation in the organisational costs (timing, marking, setting up the race village, organiser’s insurance, setting up security, making films and photos, trophy, medals, etc.)
– refreshments for the competitor during the race
– a technical T-shirt
– the meal on Friday evening, the breakfast on Saturday morning, the meal on Sunday evening for the runner.

50% of the entry fee will be reimbursed in case of withdrawal before April 1st 2024. After this date, no refund will be made.

To preserve the convivial and even confidential nature of this event, the number of competitors is limited to 150 runners.

The organization reserves the right:

  • to cancel the event below 65 registered at the 1st march

  • to refuse the registration of a competitor without giving reasons.


Article 4 : Course

The course is a loop of 222 kilometres on the small roads of the Ardèche, very little frequented roads.

City of departure and arrival: Vernoux en Vivarais

The course is hilly: 3500 meters of positive altitude difference.

This route will allow you to discover the beautiful « green Ardèche » with the highest point at the foot of the Gerbier de Jonc, cradle of the Loire.

A road book will be available for download on the website, on request, it can be supplied in paper version at the race reception.

The course is available at :


Article 5 : Navigation

The course will be marked with self-adhesive arrows (5.5 cm X 2.2 cm) on a fluorescent orange background and in some junctions there will be additional marking on the ground with biodegradable paint and lights during the night.

You will need to have the road book with you throughout the event in order to remedy any possible course errors.

In case of difficulty, it will always be possible to contact the organization by telephone. The road book specifies the rare places where the mobile network does not pass (2 km over the entire route).

Competitors progress on the left side of the road if the road is clear and visibility is clear. Competitors must use common sense when on open traffic lanes. Frequent indications appear on the road book. Running, walking in priority on sidewalks, aisles.

At the crossroads of busy roads, a supply will be set up.

If this is not the case:

  • A reminder will be given during the briefing,

  • The road book is very specific about this potential risk,

  • A volunteer will be present during the crossing,

At night, lights will be placed in strategic places.


Article 6 : Time barriers

To guarantee the safety of competitors, 9 time barriers (green) are put in place.The time chosen is the time of arrival at the check point.


Article 7 : Supplies

Refreshments will be placed every 10 km or so, preferably in small villages, but also in places where a road crossing is necessary.

There will be hot or cold drinks depending on the weather, still and sparkling water, Coke, fruit juices, syrup, fresh fruit, cheese, cold cuts, bread, salt, sugar, confectionery, steamed potatoes, cakes, compotes…

At the time barriers n°5, 6, 7 (CP n°14, 16 and 18), in addition to the usual refreshment, the competitors will have the possibility to rest, to sleep. Hot dishes will be served . Other supplies will also have hot dishes.

On these two posts, camp beds will be installed in the rooms made available by the municipalities.


Article 8 : Compulsory equipment

During the race, the competitor must have:

  • a water supply of 0,75 liter,

  • a little food (energy bar, sugar,……) allowing him to rally the next supply.

  • A survival blanket

During the night, the temperature difference can be very surprising. The 2012, 2013 and 2019 editions confirmed it: + 30° around noon around km 40 and temperatures close to 0° towards the Gerbier de Jonc in the night. The outfit must be………. adapted.

Drop Bag :Competitors may entrust the organisation with the transport of clothing and food to be available at the Time Barriers TM3 (CP9), TM4 (CP12), TM5 (CP14), TM6 (CP16), TM7 (CP18), TM8 (CP20). The organization will take care of the repatriation of the drop bags that you will leave to the different CP. The drop bag deposit must be made on Friday 17th May 2024 at the campsite from 15 to 19h, i.e. before the briefing.


Article 9 : Accompagning persans/support

For reasons of safety and sport equity, accompanying cyclists and pedestrians (pacers) are not allowed on the entire course.
Vehicle support is allowed from the 20th km (place called St Romain) and can assist their runner or others between 2 CPs. But no continuous following, stops of about 5 to 6 km are reasonable.

Vehicles present during the race :

3 mini-buses in charge of repatriating runners who have abandoned,

  • at the front, the vehicle who open the road

  • 1 other vehicle in the middle of the pack (with the race director)

  • 1 vehicle with the last competitors in the race (it is the person of this vehicle who is in charge of collecting the bib from the competitors who are late on the time barriers).

  • 1 vehicle with the race doctor

It is forbidden for competitors to board the following vehicles:

  • during refuelling stops (to stop any discussion),

  • to join the course after getting lost. (call to the race director in this case – see article 11).


Article 10 : Race clothing

Visible clothing (light and/or fluorescent colour, high visibility) is mandatory for safety. No black or dark.

During the progression during the night or in the presence of fog or haze, the competitors will have to be equipped with a frontal, a red light which they will carry in the back (either on the strap of the frontal or on the bag).

The organization reserves the right to disqualify a competitor whose behaviour could jeopardise the sustainability of the event and its own safety.


Article 11 : Timer

The bib number must be worn throughout the event. Timekeeping labels are affixed to the back of the number. The number must be clearly visible and worn in front (chest or number holder on the belt). No number on the back of the bag.
It is imperative that the competitor reports to the person in charge of the refreshment post (CP) on arrival at each CP so that the latter can note down the time of passage.
Timing will be provided by Taktik Sport with the help of mats: at the start, at each time barrier and at the finish.


Article 12 : Out of Race and Penalties

Any competitor who arrives after the deadline at one of the 7 time barriers will have his number removed and put out of the race. Its classification will be established according to the last time barrier crossed in time.

Any competitor caught by the race director or a volunteer in a vehicle, on a motorcycle or a bicycle will be disqualified from participating in the following editions.

Any competitor caught throwing paper or any other rubbish on the public road will be penalized by one hour for the first infraction, and out of the race for the second. If it is the companion of a competitor who shows incivility, the same penalties apply to the said competitor.

Reminder of article 9 : The organisation reserves the right to disqualify a competitor whose behaviour could jeopardise the durability of the event and its own safety.


Article 13 : Classification

The race will give rise to a scratch classification, a women’s classification and a men’s classification which will be displayed on the finish line.

At the end of the event, a souvenir trophy will be awarded to all FINISHERS.

There will be no prize money at the top of the rankings.


Article 14 : Care/Organization of Relief/Prevention

First-aid will be set up along the route
All competitors must have a mobile phone (the network is available throughout the course). All competitors must provide a medical certificate at registration. Only competitors with extensive experience of this type of race are allowed to enter.

Article 13 : Out of Race and Penalties

Any competitor who arrives after the deadline at one of the 4 time barriers will have his number removed and put out of the race. Its classification will be established according to the last time barrier crossed in time.

Any competitor caught by the race director or a volunteer in a vehicle, on a motorcycle or a bicycle will be disqualified from participating in the following editions.

Any competitor caught throwing paper or any other rubbish on the public road will be penalized by one hour for the first infraction, and out of the race for the second. If it is the companion of a competitor who shows incivility, the same penalties apply to the said competitor.

Reminder of article 9 : The organisation reserves the right to disqualify a competitor whose behaviour could jeopardise the durability of the event and its own safety.


Article 14 : Classification

The race will give rise to a scratch classification, a women’s classification and a men’s classification which will be displayed on the finish line.

At the end of the event, a souvenir trophy will be awarded to all FINISHERS.

There will be no arrival bonus at the top of the rankings.


Article 15 : Care/Organization of Relief/Prevention

Firemen will be in charge of some supplies, one of them will criss-cross the course near the broom wagon, in charge of bringing back the competitors having abandoned to Alboussière.

There will be no pharmacy set up by the organization. Only doctors are authorized to give a drug to competitors

All competitors must be equipped with a mobile phone (the network runs on 99% of the route). All must provide a medical certificate at the time of registration. The licence of Athletism serves as a medical certificate.


Article 16 : Welcome, accommodation and programme

The organisation sets up shuttles from the Valence TGV station to Vernoux (25km). Competitors arriving by train on Friday will indicate the estimated arrival time of their train when they register. (Valence TGV station at 2h10 from Paris Gare de Lyon) (confirmation 2 weeks before the event). No shuttle on Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday shuttle hours: 10:30 am, 2:30 pm, 4:45 pm

Shuttles from Lyon Saint Exupéry airport: contact the organization:

Competitors will be welcomed at the Vernoux campsite from 14.00 on Friday 26th May. Competitors will have the choice for Friday and Sunday sleeping arrangements between the hall, the Vernoux campsite (motorhome, tent), chalets within the campsite, nearby gîtes and hotels.

Friday evening meal will be served at the campsite during the briefing.(obligatory presence)

Saturday Day : Breakfast served on Saturday morning from 4.00 am with coffee, tea, chocolate, milk, bread, pogne(local cake), butter, jams, fruit juices, cold cuts, cheese, yoghurts.

For competitors who have completed the course or abandoned, a snack will be offered at the Alboussière campsite (various salads, cold meats, cheese, yoghurts and drinks).

Sunday : Dinner during the awards ceremony at 20.00 pm

Bicycle companions have access to the refreshment tables

The accompanying persons or family can take the 2 meals of Friday evening and Sunday evening, as well as the breakfast of Saturday for the sum of 50 €/person.


Article 15 : Environment

The course is wild and preserved. The organiser shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the environment is not affected by the event:

  • We prefer train travel and carpooling so that competitors get to the place of departure (timetables, location, programme given well in advance to book train tickets at the best price),

  • Very accessible accommodation rates are reserved for competitors and their companions in order to limit vehicle movements during the weekend around Alboussière,

  • Shuttles will be set up from the Valence TGV station,

  • Reminder during the briefing before the race on the formal prohibition to throw any rubbish, packaging in nature from a competitor, an attendant or a volunteer. (see Article 12),

  • We do not distribute printed material and prefer our communication via our website and various forums on the internet (before, during and after the event),

  • Purchase of early fruit, meat, bread and drinks from local producers,

  • The marking of the event will be carried out using self-adhesive arrows 5.5 cm x 2 cm, visible for the runners but very discreet for the inhabitants. The organization will remove these stickers the following week. At strategic locations (high risk of going the wrong way), this marking will be reinforced by biodegradable paint on the roadway, as well as lights during the night.

Article 17: Right of Image

When entering the event, each competitor expressly authorises the « Ultr’Ardèche » Association to use or have used or have used his name, image, voice and sports performance reproduced or reproduced within the framework of the event for any direct exploitation or in the form derived from the event, on any medium, throughout the world, by all known or unknown means to date, and for the entire term of protection currently granted to such direct or derived operations by legislative or regulatory provisions, judicial and/or arbitral decisions of any country as well as by current or future international conventions, including any extensions that may be made to such term.